We always say track first advertise second!

The reason is simple. If we start advertising first and driving traffic straight away to a website (as tempting as it may be) …we invariably miss which part of the traffic works i.e. which bit brings home the bacon.

Google Analytics let’s us answer questions like:

Was it a specific keyword, at a specific time of day that made the sale?
Was it a visit referred from another website by user on their mobile that drove the enquiry?
Did the visit that made a sale come from social media from a specific post we made earlier in the day?
Should I be turning off Google Shopping at certain times of the day?
Is my PPC activity making my phone ring?

And armed with the answers we can….

DOUBLE DOWN ON WHAT WORKS! & Get you more leads and sales for less spend.

This is why we love Google Analytics and have been using it now for clients for over 15 years and will never turn on traffic until the tracking and tagging is watertight.

Let us get you tracked properly.

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Drop us a few details and we will call you for a free consultation to see how we can help you.

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    Client’s Custom Google Analytics Dashboards 

    “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
    Albert Einstein, Physicist