The Challenge

A brand new website created Q3 2019 to replace an already successful but outdated and ageing (due to lack of mobile first design) website & brand, on a new domain new brand zero sales! Placed initially with another agency after 3 months of no results (well very low) it was brought to us. So the challenge was grow sales and fast to overtake the old website fast that had average monthly sales of circa £4.5k / month through 2019.
The Solution
Early advice and guidance given by us on UI/UX resulted in a clean well function mobile first website. But this is where the challenge began as the previous traffic agency after 3 months had spent a lot of money on traffic but not really generated interoffice sales. Our solution as ever ….check tagging and tracking, make a dedicated traffic plan, roll this out in Google search shopping, monitor results, feedback into the campaigns, rinse & repeat! Simples!
The Results
Let the graphs do the talking! The results for before are with the previous agency, the After is what we achieved within 6 months of engagement.